Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Last week, I was contacted by a reporter for Huffington Post, who was interested in doing an article about the youngest legislators in the United States.  Turns out, I'm number six on the list for youngest legislators, clocking in at twenty-two. 

Set up a phone interview time and we had about a fifteen-minute interview about my whole experience of becoming a State Legislator.  Earlier this week, the article went up on Huff-Po and can be found here:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/22/youngest-legislators-america_n_6680330.html if you'd like to read up more on some of the young people who've gotten involved in state politics.

Certainly been a bit overwhelming, being thrust into an environment dominated by (generally) significantly older and often more experienced counterparts, so it was reassuring to realize that many of the other young state legislators had similar experiences.  Also has been interesting to get in touch with them and gather more info on their policy concerns, proposals, experiences, etc.

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