Friday, March 27, 2015

Vice News

If you've never heard of Vice News, you may want to check it out.  They provide news through an interesting lens, and although some of their articles may be a little 'out there', that's kind of the take they take on the news.  They also have amazing international news, very good foreign correspondents and reporters who immerse themselves in the issues and provide a very rounded view of a given issue or conflict.   Originally, they were a youtube driven media outlet, but HBO has picked them and they now produce a series, in addition to the daily news coverage the provide.  Would highly suggest liking them on Facebook or watching an HBO episode for a more satirical and comedic take on current events.

A group of fourth graders tried to get the red-tailed hawk listed as the State Raptor.  Their bill wouldn't have costed the State anything and it would have given some inspiration to a group of civic-minded children.  Bill went up in flames, however.  Here's what happened:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Should New Hampshire Call for a Constitutional Convention?

Currently, there are two bills floating around the Statehouse in Concord that, if passed, would add New Hampshire to the lists of states that have called for an Article V Constitutional Convention.  Bill HCR3 calls for a convention of states to pass amendments to the constitution that would specifically revolve around fiscal restraint, term-limits and restored federalism.  Fiscal-restraint, of courses, is conservative code-word for low taxes for business and wealthier individuals, at the expense of social programs, infrastructure, education, veterans and other Federal programs.  Somewhat contradictory of restored Federalism?  No doubt term-limits and the illusion restored federalism were carrots thrown in to try to attract moderates from both parties, who may be disinclined to the "fiscal restraint", so cherished by conservative and proven to be disastrous for the economy by Bush and Reagan (tax breaks have led to the fiscal cliff, don't let them fool you...).

Proposed bill HCR2 has received more broad-based support.  HCR3 calls for a convention of states for the purpose of implementing campaign finance reform, in response to the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Supreme Court decision, which granted unrestricted campaign contributions for any corporation or organization.  Corporations are comprised of people, so they must be people, right?  Well, if you don't want your youtube, Pandora, or regular TV commercials to be flooded with campaign ads every two, four, or six years, then maybe you'll want to support this piece of legislation.  All of these massive political action committees (PAC's or Super PAC's, depending how big they are) and their plethora of billionaire and millionaire donors who aren't required to disclose their information, have the effect of buying candidates, therefore the actual seats and means for which officials get re-elected.  Many have compared this to legalized bribery, and it's not far off, though I wouldn't quite term it bribery, since candidates face strict punishment for using campaign funds for personal use. 

All in all, a constitutional convention may not be the best thing to launch into as we approach a presidential election.  Partisanship is quite heated right now and a convention would certainly convolute things even more. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Tens of Thousands March in Moscow to Honor Putin Critic"

By, Andrew E. Kramer

Link to article

This recent NYT article covers the recent assassination of Boris Nemtsov, the leading opposition leader opposed to Vladimir Putins regime.  Shot in the back during a demonstration, Nemtsov's assassination has galvanized the various Russian opposition groups and political parties that are at odds with Putins regime.

Unlike politics in the US, where national politics have traditionally been dominated by two political parties (since the Federalists and Anti-Federalists parties that were established shortly after the Revolutionary War), political parties and groups in Russia are more numerous.  Putin himself has come to be the dominant for<ace in Russian politics, with United Russia being the largest political party, with slightly more than half of the State Duma (Russian parliament).  The remaining Duma seats are divided amongst The Communist Party, A Just Russia, and the LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia- don't be fooled by the name, it's not liberal or democratic but the far-right nationalist wing of Russian politics).  Various other advocacy groups and single issue groups control varying amounts of sway in Russian political life, like free speech and free press groups, as well as gay rights activist groups.

All in all, this is probably one of the most (if not the most) significant political developments in the world.  Given the Ukraine crisis, followed by economic sanctions on Russia, which have subsequently devastated the ruble and the Russian economy, this event may have significant implications.  Unity of the disparate opposition parties, while also generating more opposition and perhaps deep distrust of Putins regime if any ties to the assassination are linked to the state, are all potential scenarios that could ultimately lead to a regime change in Russia.